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Co-Parenting Facilitators work with parents to keep them focused on their children’s best interests.

In that light, we have some strong suggestions for parents, whether they are working with a S.P.E.A.K. Co-Parenting Facilitator or not.

1.    We suggest that both parents respect their children’s right, barring any dangerous history or circumstances, to have a loving and open relationship with BOTH of their biological parents and the families of BOTH biological parents.

2.    We suggest that both parents are very careful not to do anything to stand in the way of the children’s relationship with the other parent.

3.    We suggest that neither parent support a child’s refusal to visit the other parent and that both parents support and encourage the other parent’s right to visitation with their non-custodial children.

4.    We suggest that both parents handle any conversations about or with the other parent only with the other parent or an adult third party.

5.    We suggest that all conversation with or about the other parent in front of or through the children cease and desist immediately.

6.    We suggest that neither parent bad-mouth the other parent in front of the children or in any way that the children may hear directly or hear of it later.

7.    We suggest that any decisions that need to be made on behalf of the children are presented to the other parent with enough time for the other parent to seek the guidance needed to make a proper decision.

8.    We suggest that both parents have some way to receive messages that can’t be accessed by the children.

9.    We suggest that neither parent leave detailed messages for the other on the home answering machines or any other place that children may be able to access them.

10.  We ask that both parents agree to return phone calls to each other, or the SPEAK Co-Parenting Facilitator in a timely manner.

11.  We ask that both parents have some way to be contacted at all times.

12.  We ask that both parents recognize that their relationship with each other is totally separate from their relationships with the children.