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Posted by: KosherBlogger (kosherblogger@yahoo.com)

Attention: Anyone who loves a CHILD OF DIVORCED PARENTS

My wife and I just experienced a yom tov season so peaceful, we would have been afraid to dream it a year ago. Imagine two people, at the end of the summer, happily married. Add their children. Now add his ex-wife and her ex-husband. Add their children. Now add the exes' new spouses and their children… Everyone has their needs and wants for time together with the children and time alone with their spouse… Now, imagine it being planned out in at the end of the summer, agreed upon totally and adhered to without a glitch all the way through the shabbos after Simchas Torah – and imagine visitation continues to go smoothly after that…

It didn't happen overnight, but it can happen for you.

About 3 months ago, my wife and I came across an amazing website called "AfterTheGET.org."

They offer a service they call "Co-Parenting Facilitation". They don't teach you how to talk to your ex, they step in and do it for you. They keep everyone focused on what is best for the kids. I have to admit, I was very skeptical at first. But, I was losing my sanity, my shalom bayis and I feared that my kids would soon follow. Our facilitator does much more than arrange the details of yom tov. She passes messages about finances, schedule changes, requests for information, and much more. She is even available to receive a call from someone running late and then she calls the other parent to give them the message. I haven't heard my ex wife's voice in over 2 months!

There is really nothing to lose. There is a contract to sign and you pay a retainer. If you decide at any time not to work with her anymore (which you won't, unless you are crazy), she will refund you the balance of your retainer. She is very erlich and clearly does this for the sake of the children. Her fees are totally reasonable. Truth be told, her service is worth much more. They have been mentioned in Binah Magazine and on SocialAction.com. They were recommended to us by our close friend who uses them. She heard of them when their Rabbi gave his personal recommendation that they use this service.

Check out the website. (www.AfterTheGET.org). Forward this to anyone you know who may benefit. I can't tell you how happy I am. I feel like I moved farther away from my ex wife this past month – and closer to everyone else in my family.

Hatzlacha Raba, Feel free to email any questions or call AfterTheGET directly at 212- 55-SPEAK.


By the way, SPEAK stands for Seek Peaceful Ends for Adults and Kids – and she does!!! And she helps us do the same!