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  Document Review         Fact Gathering         Contract Signed


  Facilitation Begins         Case Notes



  Document Review
Before we can agree to facilitate your co-parenting, we need to know what you have already agreed to and where your disagreements stand. To do this, we review many documents, including, but not limited to:
1. legal documents – including court papers and Beis Din papers
2. a daily journal from each side covering at least
one week, preferably the same week.

  Fact Gathering
Our fact-gathering stage includes a phone interview with both parents, and may include, with their permission, a conversation with a professional involved with the family. These professionals may include a Rabbi, Rebbetzin, Counselor, Teacher or Principal from the children’s school.

  Contract Signed
Both parents must sign the contract and send it back to S.P.E.A.K. before facilitation can begin.

  Facilitation Begins
Either parent can call us anytime and, if we aren’t available, leave a message. We check our messages quite regularly. We call whichever parent we need to speak with about the issue at hand. We do our best to work things out between the parents, sometimes having to call one or the other back and forth as negotiations are made.

  Case Notes
Your Co-Parenting Facilitator will keep detailed case notes, which are kept completely confidential.